1. PLOT - the story line; a unified, progressive pattern of action or events in a story
2. SETTING - the time and place of the action in a story
3. TONE - the attitude of the author toward his subject or toward the reader (Think of tone of
voice when someone is talking.)
4. MOOD - the feeling or state of mind that predominates in a story creating a certain atmosphere
5. CHARACTER - person portraying himself or another
6. POINT OF VIEW - the position from which the story is told (as seen through whose eyes?)
þ PERSONAL – 1st Person - (if told as seen through the eyes of one
of the characters in the story)
þ OMNISCIENT – 3rd Person (the author stands outside of the story and knows what
each of the characters is doing or thinking at any given moment)
7. CENTRAL CONFLICT - the main struggle of opposing forces around
which the plot revolves
þ Internal Conflict - Inner conflict occurs when one is confronted with a problem that presents
difficult choices involving one's beliefs and values.
§ PERSON vs. SELF (internal struggle)
þ External Conflict - External conflict occurs when one faces someone else or some situation
that is working against one's own desires or goals.
§ PERSON vs. THE ELEMENTS (forces of nature)
8. PROTAGONIST - the main character (usually the hero of the story)
9. ANTAGONIST - the rival (the bad guy)
10. THEME - the main idea or message of the story; its generalized meaning; a statement about life
or human nature that the author seeks to prove through specific developments of the story
11. IRONY - events contrary to what is expected
12. FORESHADOW - a hint or clue to future events in the story
13. FLASHBACK - a break in the continuity of a story to introduce an earlier event
14. INCITING CAUSE - the event that begins and motivates the action in the story
15. RISING ACTION - events that build up the plot and lead to the climax
16. CLIMAX - (the turning point) - the critical point in the story which changes the course of events;
the point in the story where the main character faces a crisis and must make a crucial decision that will effect the outcome
of the story.
17. FALLING ACTION - events that unwind the plot and lead to resolving the conflict
18. RESOLUTION - the event in a story that resolves the conflict
19. FICTION - written from the imagination; not true
20. NON-FICTION - true; based upon actual fact
21. GENRE - kind or type of art or literature
22. SUSPENSE - anxiety or apprehension resulting from uncertainty