SSR and The Dialectical Reading
Three to
five days a week, we will have Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) for the first 20 minutes of class. During SSR, you will keep a dialectical response journal, which is explained below. Each day we have SSR, you will earn 10 points if you arrive to class on time and read silently. You may not talk or work on other assignments during this time. Every
10 days, you earn a grade of 100% – if you have not lost points for talking, etc.
What is a dialectical journal?
It is a
place for you to think about the text in a written form. It is “dialectical”
because it records your interaction with the text; moreover, it involves both words from the text and your own words.
What isn’t a dialectical journal?
It definitely is NOT just a summary of what occurred in the section read. The
assumption is that you know what went on. Now is the time for you to think about
the larger issues in the text. (Since you will be reading in short periods, I suggest you use a separate page to take notes
on the characters and plot as a means of review.)
What do I write about in my dialectical journal?
To keep
your reflections on the text focused, each entry needs to interpret or analyze a quote from the book. The quotes that you choose should help deepen your understanding of the book and its larger themes.
What quotes should I choose for the journal?
The quotes
are your choice. However, to get you thinking deeply and thoughtfully about the
text, consider the follow aspects of writing to focus on:
· Examples of the author’s style & language
· Figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification, symbolism)
· Examples of recurring themes, images, colors, etc.
What does the dialectical journal look like?
One section of your notebook
should be labeled SSR. Each page will have two columns: “Quotation and
Page” and “My Response.” Be sure to include the title of the
book (underlined) at the top of the page. Your “response” to the
quotes chosen should analyze the author’s style and purpose or shed light on your understanding of the book. [If you
prefer NOT to use columns, copy the quote in one color and then respond right below it in a different color.]
How long does each entry need to be?
To thoughtfully delve into
each section of the reading, your response to each quote should be about 1/2 page in length. You will complete five to ten
pages for each novel.
How will I be graded?
In addition to
your SSR grade, where you received 10 points daily for participation, your dialectical journal will be reviewed and graded
based on effort and insight.