(Biography Poem)
Writing a Bio Poem is a fun way to tell about yourself and what you are really like. Follow the form below.
However, your Bio Poem can be whatever length you want it to be. It does not have to be thirteen lines long, and you do not
have to include exactly three ideas in any of the lines. The form is a guideline to help you get started. Make sure that you
do use words that are descriptive, colorful, and lively. It should be YOUR creative expression about YOU. Your poem will
make a nice addition to your e-folio.
Suggested Bio-Poem Form
Line 1: Your first name
Line 2: Who is... (descriptive words/adjectives that describe
Line 3: Who is brother or sister of... (list your siblings)
Line 4: Who loves...(three ideas or people)
Line 5: Who feels...(three ideas )
Line 6: Who needs...(three ideas)
Line 7: Who gives...(three ideas)
Line 8: Who fears...(three ideas)
Line 9: Who would like to see...
Line 10: Who shares...
Line 11: Who is...
Line 12: Who is a resident of...
Line 13: Your last name
Sample Bio-Poem:
Who is creative, intelligent, fun, responsible, and enthusiastic
Who is the sister of Meghan, Melinda, Chris, and Harrison
Who loves to create art, read science fiction, and run track
Who feels joy when writing poetry, running track, watching movies,
and eating junk food
Who needs the telephone, her hairbrush, macaroni and cheese, her
friends, and her family
Who gives her MeMaw much joy and her father and mother much pride
Who fears not doing well on tests, zits, gossip, and coming in
last at the meet
Who would like to win the 880, travel the world, and win the lottery
Who shares her secrets, her worries, and her love with MeMaw
Who is an honor roll student, a typical 13-year old, and best
friends with Chris and Jamie
Who is a resident of Trenton, New Jersey